Here’s How Often You Need to Buy New Mascara to Avoid Eye Infections

That tube you’ve had for two years has to go.
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Mascara can contribute so many things to your life, like Bambi eyelashes and…eye infections? OK, that last one isn’t exactly ideal, but it’s a possibility if you’re still using mascara you can’t even remember buying. It might seem harmless enough—mascara can be pricey, so why would you toss a tube without using up every bit of pigment? Unfortunately, hanging on to old mascara isn’t doing your eyes any favors.

Using old mascara can promote bacterial growth that could seriously screw with your eyes.

Various microorganisms live on your facial skin, including your eyelids. That can include bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Jacqueline R. Carrasco, M.D., F.A.C.S., an oculoplastic and orbital surgeon at Wills Eye Hospital, tells SELF.

When you use mascara, these microscopic beings can cling to the wand and wind up in the tube. There, they can build up and eventually spread to your eyelids and eyeballs as you apply makeup, David Lu, M.D., an associate clinical professor of ophthalmology at University of Texas Southwestern, tells SELF.

That wouldn’t be a problem except for the fact that this exact process can sometimes cause eye issues. Streptococcus pneumoniae, for example, can cause pink eye. This inflammation of your eyes’ conjunctiva (the thin, clear tissue lining your eyelids and the whites of your eyes) often presents with redness, pain, itching, and a burning sensation. Staphylococcus aureus is another prime pink eye culprit, but as a bonus, it can also lead to styes, those mystifying pimple-like bumps that can bubble up on your eyelids. Pseudomonas aeruginosa can cause skin infections, which isn’t great news for the delicate tissue on your eyelids. Eyelid infections can lead to blepharitis, uncomfortable inflammation that can even cause loss of eyelashes, which, hello, is the exact opposite of what you want from mascara in the first place!

These kinds of bacteria can also put you at risk of infecting your corneas, the transparent outer surface of your eyeballs, Aaron Zimmerman, O.D., an associate professor of clinical optometry at The Ohio State University, tells SELF.

It’s not like using expired makeup will absolutely guarantee an eye infection or other problem, but it’s a real possibility. Some small studies have found that the above pathogens can all hang out in eye makeup, and that due to its particularly high bacterial diversity, mascara may be especially likely to cause eye infections.

To avoid mascara-related eye infections, you should be getting a new tube every few months at a minimum.

Exactly how often will depend on the specific product recommendations, but most manufacturers suggest replacing your mascara every two to four months, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The American Academy of Ophthalmology is even more specific, suggesting that you get rid of your mascara after three months.

If you insist on hanging on to old mascara, the FDA warns that you shouldn’t try to reconstitute dried-out stuff with water or spit. “The human mouth is incredibly dirty,” Dr. Carrasco says. Bacteria from your spit can grow in your mascara and cause an eye infection. Adding water can also introduce bacteria that should be nowhere near your eyes or mess with the product’s formula in a way that gives bacteria a better chance to grow, the FDA says.

If you’re dealing with weird eye symptoms, go see your eye doctor whether or not you think they’re due to your mascara.

If you do in fact have inflammation or an infection because of your mascara, the first thing your doctor will recommend is throwing out the tube, Dr. Zimmerman says. Then they’ll get to work treating that infection or inflammation, which will depend on exactly what you’ve got going on. It’s best to go without eye makeup until you’ve kicked the issue.

Maybe there’s no way you’ll go through an entire tube of mascara in three months. Relatable. If that’s the case, consider buying sample or travel-sized tubes and seeing where that gets you. You could end up safeguarding your eye health in the long run.
